Please register each student separately:
Parent/Guardian Information
Medical Release of Liability
If your child takes medicine on a daily basis it is the parent/guardian responsiblity to provide up-to-date and accurate medical dosage information. Registered nurses will be storing and administering all medication. It is the student's responsiblity to visit the nurses clinic at the appropriate dosage time.
Consent & Release Signature
I release the staff of Camp Fearless, The Seed Church and affiliates from any liabilities, claims and demands arising out of injury or accident incurred by my child while they are participating in any event while at Camp Fearless and or on the grounds of Camp Kulaqua. In the event of an accident or injury and I cannot be reached, I further authorize the executive staff of Camp Fearless to administer any medical treatment they may deem necessary for my child's well being.
I understand that The Seed Church and its affilitates photograph and digitally record participants while at events including Camp Fearless. By typing my name I am giving my signature and am giving permision to use any photos or videos taken of my child while at camp to be published by Camp Fearless and The Seed Church. I waive any right I may have to inspect hte finished product and I release The Seed Church and Camp Fearless from any liability for any use of the photographs or digital media.
Please save payment schedule to your calendar!
Today - $50 deposit
June 5th - $200 payment is due
July 10th - Final $200 payment is due
Please make these payemnts through your giving account on The Seed Church app.